Category Archives: daily pictures
Confined in your own glass “watch tower” forever, Jeremy?
Jeremy, forget about Big Brother. You should fear Little Brothers
Experimenting with other media. It hasn’t worked very well, though!
Jeremy, do I look like you, while I look at you, looking at me, looking at you?
I am usually very shy, so this one was a very difficult message to deliver. This is getting serious, isn’t it, Jeremy?!
Jeremy, does Theresa May want to read our conversation on surveillance? #IPBill
Surveillance, sousveillance, uberveillance… perfect view from every cell
Jeremy, am I operating “within the normal bounds of acceptable human behaviour” (PanoptiCam Ethics Statement)
UK government wants to snoop into our browsing history, Jeremy. #IPBill
So, webcam is back to normal position…
Do you like seeing that you’re being seen, Jeremy?
Do you like being seen, Jeremy?
I told you I would come back, didn’t I, Jeremy?
Jeremy’s broken eyes…
Only too late I realised the PanoptiCam webcam wasn’t working properly at the moment I went to send my message to Jeremy. At least this is how it seems, as the image was frozen, up until the end of the morning.
Well, I guess this is how CCTV works (or doesn’t) in most cases, isn’t it?
Thankfully, the PanoptiCam team is not like most CCTV maintenance teams and it went back to work later in the same day.
One should ask, though: what if a serious crime was being carried out during those few hours, just in front of Jeremy’s (broken) eyes?… Would you blame the technology for not helping us solve just another crime, Jeremy? Never mind, just think about it! I’ll bring my message again some other time…